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Flow, Notion, and Green Stuff

Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi

Every extremely successful individual who has an extraordinary mind is compelled by a particular problem that goes through hell to find a needle in a haystack. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi describes this phenomenon as voluntary sacrifice. People like Elon Musk who've started a dozen companies like SpaceX, Tesla, the Boring Company, went deep into Twitter, Solar City, Neuralink, PayPal, and had his share of work in OpenAI have that calling to go through hell to give to humanity. Others like David Goggins find their calling through pain and suffering. Known as the baddest motherf*cker alive he's faced the greatest psychological and physiological pain and he's found meaning from it. Extraordinary people have always had the bigger in picture in mind by going through a process of evolution, defying common culture, and bending the fabric of space-time. I've recently read "Code of the Extraordinary Mind" by Vishen Lakhiani where he breaks down the hardware and software of inspiring individuals like the ones mentioned above. The systems of living (habits) and models of reality (personality, beliefs, identity, and vision).

Notion's Built Different

Use Notion to replicate the stuff above and note it so it's easier to do. Watch Ali Abdaal's videos for info. This is what the Notion Dashboard of a High School Student looks like:

Solar Cells

Energy Storage & Energy Capture are the two big components of an efficient solar energy system.

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