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Purpose, Trees, and Dead People

North Star or BS?

Every extraordinary individual has a driving force of passion and flow for the career they pursue. Voluntary Sacrifice is the word Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi coins that extremely successful people have. Going through the ups & downs of obsessing about an idea or problem and jumping head first is a sign of voluntary sacrifice. All of this, however, is rare to some degree and I believe misguided because everyone has something that gives them this behavior. I believe every individual who's extremely successful by societal standards has insurmountable volumes of career capital. Cal Newport introduced this idea of career capital that's only possible through becoming extremely prolific at something like computer programming and other skills directly related to your career choice. Cal Newport's perspective on a "calling" is dependent upon what the individual can offer to the world rather than what the world can do for the individual. Rare and valuable skills can be used to leverage a successful career.


Becoming the best version of yourself is the basis for self-improvement which leads to fulfillment, success, health, etc.

Biomasses Energy

This type of fuel for energy is often overlooked in the general field of sustainable energy. The paths that are the most promising include solar energy, wind, geothermal, and hydroelectric. The way this type of energy works is through utilizing the carbon atoms in a biological organism and extracting it to be used for production.

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